Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Very Married Christmas

Hubby and I had a wonderful Christmas 2010. It was the first we have celebrated as a married couple. It was also the first with my dog-child, Remy. It was also the first that neither of us saw our families. I kept wishing for a teleportation device to whisk us away to the blizzardy-cold frozen tundras of New Jersey and Illinois, but, alas, those Christmas dreams were not realized. On to wish for it another year!

Hope all had a very wonderful Christmas. Remember the reason for the season. God Bless one and all!!

(This is Remy's "smile." His ferociousness cracks me up. He's wishing you all a holiday full of wonder.)

1 comment:

Tunes & Spoons said...

what a lovely tree! glad you had a wonderful first married christmas! I did too! being married makes christmas even better!!